No time for Fooling


Updated on 28 May 2024, for Semeru 11 announced new EOS date which is now 30 November 2025.  This extends the window for moving your z/OS functions which dependent on Semeru 11 another year!  See picture below, and updated text for the new date.

Although today is April 1, this is not a day for Fools (or for Fish, if you are French).  Today is a rather important day when we look at what is happening with z/OS 3.1 and the z/OS functional dependencies on Java.  This blog is to socialize the official publication change which is available in z/OS 3.1 Planning for Installation, Software requirements for running z/OS 3.1.

Of course, I'm concentrating on the z/OS 3.1 (not V2.4 or V2.5!) functions which require Java, which is entirely separate from your application dependencies on Java. z/OS 3.1 will continue to run any Java level that is still in service, and today, that is Java 8 31-bit, Java 8 64-bit, Semeru 11, and Semeru 17.  

First off, thanks for everybody that read my blog post on z/OS 3.1 and Java compatibility.  I love that folks are getting that information and understanding our new "way of life" having z/OS interact with Java.  If you haven't read it yet, please do so right now.  This blog is also on the same subject, but it now contains updated information which you need to act on now.

Looking at our handy picture, things have happened. I want to concentrate on the April 1, 2024 through Nov 30 2025 timeframe (in the red shaded area below):

Here are the important points to notice about this timeframe:

  1. Semeru 11 will be no longer orderable on Shopz with z/OS 3.1 as of April 1, 2024.  Note that Java 8 has not been orderable since January 29, 2024.  
    • Meaning, z/OS 3.1 new orders will have a dependency on the only orderable Java available at this point:  Semeru 17.  If you have waited this long to order z/OS 3.1, you have less to do.  
    • If you already have z/OS 3.1, you hopefully have Semeru 17 ordered with it, but see my prior blog to understand how the Software Instances can be structured.  
  2. Coincidental with this ordering change, z/OS 3.1's functional dependency on Semeru 17 is available with PTFs (*with one exception noted below*).    
  3. November 30, 2025 is the date that that Semeru 11 planned to be end of support.  So now we have the "bookend" dates for the z/OS 3.1 Semeru movement from 11 to 17:  April  1 through November 30, 2025, which is twenty full months.  Hence, the red timeframe in the picture above.  The time to act is now.

*the one exception for z/OS 3.1*:  Today, we have one remaining function in z/OS 3.1 which is still not supporting Semeru 17, that is the z/OS 3.1 Infoprint Server IPP Server function (and no other function in z/OS 3.1 Infoprint Server).  The z/OS 3.1 Infoprint Server IPP Server function requires Java 8 31-bit. Keep an eye on the SMP/E FIXCAT for when that support is provided (and the z/OS 3.1 Planning for Installation book).  

What should you do in this eight month timeframe (April 1, 2024 through November 30, 2025)?  

  • Install all the required PTFs which are necessary to support Semeru 17 (and also include Semeru 11 for good measure.)  Of course, we use SMP/E FIXCATs to identify those PTFs, so make sure you use IBM.TargetSystem-RequiredService.Semeru.* on your SMP/E REPORT MISSINGFIX (or with z/OSMF Software Management Actions --> Maintenance Reports -->  Missing FIXCAT Sysmods ) to find them. I am recommending that you wildcard the FIXCAT so you can also verify that you have any Semeru 11 and Semeru 17 PTFs installed.
  • Deploy those installed PTFs to across your environment.  I do understand that in many of our largest customers that it takes a while to test new service levels and roll them out, so plan for your last environment to receive this new service level before November 30, 2025 if possible. Get those IPL windows scheduled now. 
  • Ensure your own Java applications that today require Semeru 11 are ready for Semeru 17.  Just like the z/OS 3.1 functions had to be tested and support was necessary to be provided, your own Java applications will need to go through the same process, to move from Semeru 11 to 17.  Note that you do have more time if your Java applications need Java 8 today, as that is planned to go end of support in September 2026.  But still looking at our handy picture above, Java 8 is planned to be end of support in the lifetime of z/OS 3.1, so your time on Java 8 is limited and your usage of Semeru 17 is eventually required for your own applications. Are your applications ready for Semeru 17? 
  • Decide how you are going to remove Semeru 11 when it is end of support.  I do keep mentioning my prior blog as hopefully you have thought about how you will be removing your Semeru 11 (FMID HJVBB00) when the time comes.  And start to think about how you'll remove your Java 8 FMIDs if you have them still (FMID HJVA800 for 31-bit, and FMID HJVB800 for 64-bit).  There's no easy silver bullet here, so decide what your actions are.

Whew!  Well, I can tell my sysprog friends will be busy until November 30, 2025.  I think I've covered all the questions I've gotten recently on this topic.  So, please leave a comment if you need more information or you have questions.  
